Photos attractions of Kythnos, beautiful beaches and villages of the beautiful island of Kythnos

On our website will find information about Kythnos, sights, history and culture of Kythnos, beautiful beaches, you can find ferry tickets, ferries, car rentals, travel information Kythnos, hotels, shops, restaurants, taverns, cafes, rooms, is the ideal place for your vacation and for wedding in Kythnos. It is one of the closest islands to Piraeus. Kythnos has a heliport, In Kythnos there are taxis and Buses for domestic traffic, and sea taxis.

Ferry schedules Ferries to Kythnos

By ferry from Piraeus. The trip takes about 3 hours. For more information: Port Authority of Piraeus, 210 4226000.
Also, from the port of Lavrio trip takes about 1.5 hours. Service throughout the year. For more information: Port Authority of Lavrion 22920 25249.
Kythnos connect daily with Serifos, Sifnos, Milos and Kimolos. And twice a week there is ferry to Santorini, Sikinos and Folegandros. Finally, three times a week has route for Kea and Syros.
Area Code 22810
Municipality Kythnos 22810 32290, 22810 31277
Municipal Tourist Office 22810 32250
Community Dryopida 22810 32230
Precinct 22810 31201
Port 22810 32290
Hot Springs 22810 31217
Piraeus Port Authority, tel .: 210 4226000-4 210 4593140
Ticket Agencies - Merichas Kythnos:
«ANEROUSA», τηλ: 22810 32242
«ANTONIOS LARENTZAKIS», τηλ: 22810 32104
«THERMIA TRAVEL», τηλ: 22810 32345

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